HiPERSolv™ Aqueous Photo Resist Stripper for Bump Processing
ACL-585 HiPERSolv™ is a new generation of high performance aqueous resist stripper specifically
High performance is achieved through the use of patent-pending, non-corrosive chemistry compatible with Pb/Sn, Sn/Ag, Al, Ti, Cu, Ni, Cr and other thin films found in bump and UBM layers. The product is 100% water soluble and does not require an intermediate post process solvent rinse. ACL-585 can also be used for through-silicon via (TSV) applications and other thick resist processes such as those found in MEMS manufacturing.
ACL-585 HiPERSolv™ is suitable for batch immersion and batch spray applications and is able to remove advanced dry film resists at temperatures below 70°C. Maximum cycle time is 30 minutes, achieving a wafer throughput that is up to four times faster than with previous strippers.
: Process Benefits
- Will not attack Bump Contacts or UBM
- Effective on both eutectic and lead-free wafers
- Etch rates of Pb, Sn, Al, Ag, Cu, Ni < 1 A/min
- No attack to DuPont / Hitachi Polyimide films
- Superior 300 mm uniformity- 100% residue free
- Water soluble solution
- Long bath life (>72 hrs)
- Low operation temp (<65C)
- Strip times of 20 - 60 minutes
Before dryfilm resist strip |
After dryfilm resist strip |
After 30 minute resist strip at 60°C |
Results on actual process wafer |